2024 edition

The IP Paris Research Day will take place on Thursday September, 19, 2024 at Télécom Paris. Organized by a committee of senior and PhD researchers, the aim of this convivial day is to bring our community together to present a panorama of research on a specific theme.

The topic chosen for this year is " Science Shining Light 

The program features 4 scientific sessions covering a wide range of research fields with individual and collaborative presentations by IP Paris researchers.

We will have the great pleasure to launch the day with an exceptional opening conference by Pierre Agostini, Emeritus Professor at the Ohio State University and 2023 Nobel Prize laureate in Physics for the first measurement of attosecond light pulses, realized at the Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée (LOA).

In addition, two workshops will be held during the morning and afternoon coffee break (see Program section).

Various IP Paris services and interdisciplinary centers will be also be present.

It is your annual opportunity to celebrate and explore the research work taking place at IP Paris.The event serves as an opportunity for researchers and PhD scholars to reach across disciplines by communicating in non-specialist language about their research work and foster connections among our research community.


All attendees are invited to present their work at the poster session.


Registration is now open !

Please registrate here 


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